Join Sony Artisan Me Ra Koh and her husband, Brian Tausend (award winning photographer and cinematographer), for this workshop where you will be acting as if you are on assignment for a travel publication. What types of images do you need to capture and what does every publication expect? How do we create a story without people? How do we capture emotion without faces? These are just a few of the questions they’ll be answering.
They will also demonstrate specific camera settings for different subjects. Not everything is best captured with a shallow depth of field. The one thing you always want more of is time. We’ll teach you how to build a strategic shooting schedule based on time of day and direction of light, as well as composition techniques that make readers and viewers say, “I wish I were there!”
What do you do with your beautiful imagery once you’re home? Learn how to write a rich pitch to editors and the different ways you can still be compensated for images that don’t make the cut. All levels are welcome to join! Be ready to laugh, learn a few new tricks and see how much your portrait background set you up for success with travel photography.