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Sony Artisans At The Depth Of Field Conference

Over 30 exhibitors will share their craft at the Depth of Field launch April 24-25. Sony Artisans Robert Evans, Paul Gero, Sara France and Tony Gale are all speaking or teaching breakout classes. In addition to a dedicated lecture stage and continuous Livestream feed, you can also take advantage of five, fully-equipped studio setups to allow guests to try out the latest cameras with live models, props and more. 

April 24

4:30-5:30pm Main Stage
Sony Artisan Paul Gero 
The Photojournalist's Way - Capturing Real Authentic Moments, Beautiful Portraits and How To Convey That Message To Your Clients

11am-12pm Breakout Class
Sony Artisan Paul Gero
Get Control of Your Family Portraits at Weddings

2-3pm Breakout Class
Sony Artisan Tony Gale
Taking Advantage of Sony Camera Technology to Capture Better Images

April 25

11am-12pm Main Stage
Sony Artisan Robert Evans
The Power of Simple – Creating Powerful Imagery by Focusing on Simplicity

2-3pm Breakout Class
Sony Artisan Robert Evans
Time To Play On The Wedding Day – A Workflow So You Have Time To Shoot What You Want, Not What You Get

4-5pm Breakout Class
Sony Artisan Sara France
Mastering the Use of Video Lights for Creative Stills

*Event photo by Robert Evans.