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Sony 28-70mm f/2 G Master: Hands-On Review Roundup

The new Sony 28-70mm f/2 G Master provides a combination of zoom range, large aperture, and compact design that make it an innovative and versatile lens for portrait, sports, wedding, event and video professionals. First impressions of the new lens are rolling out and reviewers are calling out its incredible versatility and prime-like bokeh. See more of their thoughts in our review roundup below. Learn more about the new Sony 28-70mm f/2 G Master HERE.

Innovative, versatile, and prime-like bokeh. Read what reviewers are sharing in their first impressions on the new lens.

Jeven Dovey

“For me personally, I’m going to buy this lens. It’s going to be super useful for the documentary or outdoor adventure-style content that I’m producing because I can bring less gear and have a whole range of lenses super wide open at f/2. I love the footage that I’ve been able to get out of it, and it just looks incredible.” – Jeven Dovey

Chris Brockhurst

“What I think Sony has done here is created the perfect photo/video/hybrid lens for wedding photographers and wedding videographers. It’s a lens they can leave on their camera throughout the whole day. F/2 vs. F/2.8 is going to be better for low-light situations which typically happen at weddings. Because it has that good minimum focus you can get in good and close for detail shots. That little bit of extra depth of field is going to be good for bokeh, for background blur, for portraits, for video sessions. And with the bow extending ever-so-slightly, it’s great for people flying on a gimbal as well.” – Chris Brockhurst

B&H Photo Video Pro Audio

“The 28-70mm f/2 GM is a really great versatile lens for professionals. It really does consolidate what you would be getting out of a couple of prime lenses in one lens. And it does it in a very compact package that has excellent performance, and we are very happy with the results that we got in our wildlife shooting with it, our commercial video shoot and our portrait photography.” –Nick Brigadier

David Zhou

“The f/2 on this new lens? I mean that’s basically a 1.8 aperture in my head, the difference is negligible. And with that in mind, this lens now becomes the default lens that goes on my camera for photo and video work – whether it’s live events and weddings, or it’s narrative and commercial work, or it’s social media and YouTube content. This lens can no joke do just about everything I need it to do.” – David Zhou

Taylor Jackson

“The 28-70mm f/2 GM is an incredible tool for wedding photographers. It is an all-day lens.” – Taylor Jackson


“It’s probably going to be my new workhorse lens because this lens will work for any shooting condition. Whether I’m capturing stills or shooting video. It’s fast, sharp, and you can see it’s a lot more compact than most zoom lenses in this range.” – Sal D’alia

Matt ‘WhoIsMatt’ Johnson

“I’m very happy to tell you that this lens creates a high-quality image – at f/2 the bokeh looks gorgeous. You can definitely tell that you’re not using an f/2.8 lens. All the footage that I filmed with this lens was incredibly sharp. The colors looked great. It’s everything that you would expect from a Sony lens, now at f/2.” – Matt Johnson

Benj Haisch

"Overall this thing is absolutely fantastic. It is 100% going to be a lens that I'm going to be buying probably day one. Combining the perfect focal length range for me for photography and still being wide enough. So honestly, if you are looking for a one-and-done lens, if you are someone, especially that would prefer to not use prime lenses and wants the flexibility of a zoom lens – all those things together make this an easy buy." – Benj Haisch

Armando Ferreira

“You’re almost getting the prime-type of quality with a lens like this. So you essentially have like from 28-70, almost. I say almost because it’s not a prime lens, but you’re getting that prime quality, which again is very impressive. So this is kind of my first impression of the Sony 28-70mm. I think this is an awesome lens, in fact we’re actually using it right now because it got really dark and we needed that extra stop of light. So again, this is where this lens is going to shine, is when you need that extra stop of light.” – Armando Ferreira

Jason Hermann

“This new lens is a banger for sure. I had a blast using this lens. It’s extremely fun having a super fast aperture zoom lens. I’m used to using f/2.8, and as fun as they are, they’re not quite fast enough for me for the background blur that I like in photos so I tend to use faster prime lenses for almost all occasions if possible. But the convenience of having a zoom lens for event photography is just tremendous. Weddings, event photography, if you’re somewhat at a fair, you’re a run-and-gun journalist – there are a lot of scenarios where a lens like this can be extremely useful.” – Jason Hermann

Learn more about the new Sony 28-70mm f/2 G Master HERE.

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