We are excited to announce The Alliance98 (TA98) as the latest winner of a Sony Create Action grant. Based in Chicago, TA98 is a nonprofit organization that tackles unemployment by providing young adults with meaningful career development. For winning the grant, the organization will receive $50,000 in cash to continue and expand their work, a custom short film telling their story, $50,000 in Sony Electronics products to support their action plan, and collaboration and partnership with Sony.
Learn more about TA98, a nonprofit that tackles unemployment by providing young adults with meaningful career development and the latest winner of our Create Action grant.
TA98 serves youth of color ages 16-24 who reside in Chicago—with the majority coming from the city’s south, west, and northwest side communities. Through their programs, youth are able to hone in on their interests by creating projects and organizing events that utilize creative skills such as photography, graphic design and digital marketing. They also provide coaching and the safe space necessary for youth to further explore their passions and identities.
With programs like their Suited For A Cause initiative, young adults are provided with intensive professional development training and the opportunity to collaborate with company partners on an innovative project for real world experience. This program and more helps TA98 continue to create opportunities to equip historically marginalized communities and invest resources needed for young adults to have the support systems required to be global productive citizens.
Sony looks forward to working with The Alliance98 and the opportunity to support their mission in tackling the unemployment rates for young adults ages 16-24 by providing meaningful career opportunities.
Learn more about The Alliance 98 at ta98.org.
The Create Action Grant Program is open through March 29, 2022, and will provide grants to 10 organizations total, with one new grant awarded each month. After initial submission, each application will be within consideration throughout the entirety of the program. Learn more and see how your organization can apply at alphauniverse.com/createaction.