Establishing strong client relationships is an important part of growing a successful photography business. Photographer Kesha Lambert, founder of Kesha Lambert Photography, is one of the top wedding and portrait photographers working today. As the business has grown, the importance of building those strong relationships has grown along with it. “I’m really very proud of the client relationships that we have fostered over the course of our years in business – six years and counting to be exact.” In this video, the Sony Artisan shares some best practices and tips that you can start doing right now to build long-lasting and successful client relationships to keep your business moving forward.
From her experience building a leading wedding & portrait business, Sony Artisan of Imagery Kesha Lambert serves up advice on building and maintaining strong client relationships.
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“When you have clients who have had a wonderful, exceptional experience working with you,” explains Lambert, “then you have a ton of brand ambassadors out there just saying amazing things about you. When your client feels great working with you or when they’re happy with the outcome, it helps to build a positive reputation for you and a strong word of mouth.”
Watch the complete video below: