Are you interested in making high-quality videos for your small business, personal brand or latest trip? Maybe you’re looking to take on video as a hobby and don’t know where to start? This Dave McSporran lecture will move you from "Where do I begin?" to "I make films."
Starting with the basics, you’ll learn what body, lenses, and accessories to buy and what you should NOT buy. Why audio is important and how easy it is to capture it. How five minutes of story planning can save you headaches with shooting and editing. You’ll also learn about shot composition, proper exposure and how to make your footage look better when editing.
Dave McSporran has traveled the world capturing incredible stories and retelling them to millions. His work has been in feature films, documentaries, public service announcements and viral videos online. Come and learn from Dave as he shares his knowledge and his story of how he was once exactly where you are today.