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Washington D.C. Skyline Adventure Photoworkshop With Sony Artisan Drew Geraci

Join Sony Artisan and award-winning photographer/cinematographer Drew Geraci for a Washington D.C. Skyline Photoworkshop. You have several opportunities to attend this workshop. It will be offered twice daily, 5:00PM – 7:00PM & 7:30PM – 9:30PM ET, on the following dates: June 18, 19, 25, 26 and July 3 & 4, with a special four-hour 4th Of July Fireworks Photoworkshop.

Experience all of the beauty and grandeur that Washington, D.C. has to offer from one of the highest points in the city. Our exclusive filming location is nestled on the edge of Arlington, VA where you can see nearly all of the monuments like
the Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington, MLK, Airforce and Iwo Jima. Our exclusive location will give you access to incredibly unique and amazing perspectives of your favorite DC icons, without the hassle of traffic, parking, or tourists.

This two-hour course is focused heavily on sunset and nighttime cityscape photography/cinematography. Each participant will get one-on-one time with our guru, including learning both shooting and post-production editing techniques (if required). Subjects for this course include, still landscape photography, long-exposure photography, timelapse photography, and high-resolution 8k cinematography. Each participant will have ample space to set up their own tripod once on location.

Learn more and register HERE.