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Create your profile to get all your Alpha Program notifications in one convenient location.

The Basics

Must contain at least 8 characters, an uppercase character, a lowercase character, a number and a symbol.
By joining the Alpha Universe community, you agree to the Terms and the Sony Electronics Inc. Privacy Policy and certify that you are a U.S. resident. (CA Privacy Notice).

Personalize Your Profile

Step 2 of 2

Create your profile to get all your Alpha Program notifications in one convenient location.

Your Specialty *

(Select All That Apply)

I am a... *

(Select All That Apply)


What kind of camera(s) do you shoot with? *

(Select All That Apply)

Liability Release

In consideration for permitting Participant to participate in the Event, the undersigned, for themselves, and for their respective heirs, personal representatives and assigns, agree as follows:

EVENT RELEASE: I hereby waive, release and discharge Sony, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and their respective licensees, agents, successors and assigns, from any and all claims for damage for personal injury, death or property damage which I may have, or which may hereafter accrue to me, as a result of participation in activities at the Event. This release is intended to discharge in advance Sony, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and their respective licensees, agents, successors and assigns, from any and all liability arising out of or connected in any way with my participation in activities at the Event even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of those parties. It is understood that activities such as the ones I will be participating in may involve an element of risk and danger of accidents and knowing those risks, I hereby assume those risks. It is further agreed that this waiver, release and assumption of risk is to be binding on my heirs and assigns. I agree to indemnify and to hold harmless, Sony, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and their respective licensees, agents, successors and assigns, from any loss, liability, damage, cost or expense that they may incur as the result of my death or any injury or property damage that I may sustain while participating in any activity at the Event.

PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE: Also, I hereby grant to Sony, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and their respective licensees, agents, successors and assigns, the right to take my photograph and take video footage of me at the Event without compensation to me to use, re-use, make derivative works of, publish and re-publish my image, likeness, statements, quotes, and name, individually or in conjunction with other images, in any manner of media (including Internet) throughout the world in perpetuity, now or hereinafter created, including without limitation for illustration (including in hard copy), promotion, advertising and trade.

I agree that all images of me used and taken by Sony are owned by Sony and that they may copyright material containing same.

I hereby warrant that I am free to enter into this agreement and that I do not have and will not have any agreements or commitments which would prevent or interfere in any way with the rights granted to Sony herein.

I hereby waive any inspection or approval of use and agree that Sony shall be without liability to me for any distortion or illusionary effect resulting from the publication of my likeness. I will defend, release and hold harmless Sony from any claims or demands in any way related to the rights granted herein including without limitation invasion of privacy, right of publicity, defamation, personal property right or any claim of alteration or faulty mechanical reproduction.

Nothing herein will constitute any obligation of Sony to make any use of the rights set forth herein.

I am of legal age (18 years or older) and have read the foregoing and fully understand the contents thereof.