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Best Of 2023: Our Most Meaningful Photos Of The Year, Part 6

We’ve been counting down to the end of the year with a selection of the most meaningful images taken by our Sony Artisans and Brand Ambassadors in 2023. See Part 6, our final of the series, below featuring images of  inspiring, storytelling moments from Jermaine Horton, Nancy Borowick, Eli Reed, Jose Villa, Miguel Quiles, Jean Fruth, Garrette Baird, Brian Smith, Tony Gale, Sara France, Jake Chamseddine, Henry Tieu, Fei Tang, Quay Hu and Tobi Shinobi. That’s a wrap - see the rest of our Most Meaningful Photos Of 2023 in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5. We can’t wait to see what our Sony Artisans and Brand Ambassadors create in 2024!

We're counting down to the end of the year with a selection of the most meaningful images taken by the Sony Brand Ambassadors in 2023.

Jermaine Horton

Photo by Jermaine Horton. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 400mm f/2.8 G Master. 1/1600-sec., f/2.8, ISO 500
Photo by Jermaine Horton. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 400mm f/2.8 G Master. 1/1600-sec., f/2.8, ISO 500

"I was crouching inside the gate that opens toward home plate waiting for my son's reaction to hitting. What I didn't know was that it was going to be his biggest hit of his young career in little league. The sheer shock at how far the ball was hit was evident on his face but more so was the face he realized…I can do this!"

"This is my favorite image because my son is a die hard sports fanatic who loves football, baseball and basketball. He watches it all the time on TV and at sporting events. So when my son says, I can't wait to have photos like the players…I wanted him to SEE himself in the process of being that. His reaction was so priceless to seeing him looking like his favorite athletes taken by his dad that shoots so many professional athletes. For him to get the treatment THEY get...it was priceless for him."

Nancy Borowick

Photo by Nancy Borowick. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 35mm f/1.4 G Master. 1/160-sec., f/1.8, ISO 1600
Photo by Nancy Borowick. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 35mm f/1.4 G Master. 1/160-sec., f/1.8, ISO 1600

“With kids, you always have to be ready for the moments. They aren't scripted, they don't last long and you often have to quickly maneuver between mom and photographer at a moment's notice. During the first few weeks of August's life, I always had my Sony Alpha 1 around. My hands were full and I had to accept many moments were not captured on camera, but when I saw this moment unfolding I quickly grabbed my camera off the kitchen counter (this is where it lived for a while – out of reach of kids and easy access for me) and watched and waited for whatever might happen between the boys.”

“Three weeks before this image was taken, on the morning of December 21, I delivered my second son, August, and our family went from three to four. There was a lot of anticipation leading up to this time, these introductions, the emotions of it all so to see our older son Levi take such care and gentleness with his new baby brother was incredibly special. Nearly a year later, it is amazing to watch how these two have grown, individually and together, and while I spend a lot of timing trying to prevent injury or chaos, the giggles and the baby-toothy smiles make it all worth it.”

Eli Reed

Photo by Eli Reed. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master. 1/80-sec., f/2.8, ISO 1250
Photo by Eli Reed. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master. 1/80-sec., f/2.8, ISO 1250

"I have been working with a special human rights activist, Jessica Sarowitz, who has produced the documentary film, 'With This Light,' which is the story of a Honduras Catholic nun who saves the lives of over 87,000 street kids in Honduras. The Pope was inspired to  put the Catholic Nun, Sister Maria Rosa Leggol up for Saint Hood. The documentary was shown at the United Nations in New York and Jessica Sarowitz, along with her crew were invited to have a special tour of the UN. Mz. Sarowitz is an amazing woman herself and I felt her joy of having the film shown at the UN as she listened to a UN speaker in the foreground. I have now watched the film five times including in Austin, TX twice, twice in Los Angeles, and in Honduras  and I am amazing at the power and beauty of the film. I was moved by Jessica Sarowitz's joy of the film being invited to show at the United Nations along with the film being appreciated at such a special place."

Jose Villa

Photo by Jose Villa. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 50mm f/1.2 G Master. 1/125-sec., f/2.8, ISO 200
Photo by Jose Villa. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 50mm f/1.2 G Master. 1/125-sec., f/2.8, ISO 200

“Cate's Grandfather waited for her at the end of the aisle and greeted her as she exited the ceremony. It was a very quick moment and I felt it. Taking a photo is great, but feeling a photo is best!”

Miguel Quiles

Photo by Miguel Quiles. Sony Xperia 1 V.
Photo by Miguel Quiles. Sony Xperia 1 V.

"This photo was taken with an Xperia 1 V smartphone. I set up a mattress and placed a floordrop as a background, and lit it with one powerful LED light going through an umbrella."

"This photo was one that might not have ever come to be. We went through 2 miscarriages before our daughter was born, so taking this photo of a healthy new addition to our family brought many emotions. Taking photos like this to document milestones in life is what photography is all about, and I'm glad to be reminded of that as I took this photo."

Jean Fruth

Photo by Jean Fruth. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 G Master II. 1/3200-sec., f/2.8, ISO 200
Photo by Jean Fruth. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 G Master II. 1/3200-sec., f/2.8, ISO 200

“For this image I was shooting the Women’s College Club Baseball Championship Game in Compton, CA. The game was slated to start at 4:00 p.m. I found an up position hoping to capture some pretty light and shadows. This was taken as part of my Women in Baseball project for Grassroots Baseball, my non-profit organization. Our mission is to highlight and promote girls and women in baseball with the goal of creating more opportunities for them in the sport. Cal Berkeley formed an all-women club baseball team in 2023, and capturing their joy while doing what they love made it very worthwhile for me. 

“These inspirational women are breaking barriers – not only in sports, but in the world – when the world was telling them, ‘No you can’t, no you shouldn’t, no you won’t.’ They are the unsung ‘sheroes’ who are paving the way for the next generation of women baseball players. This project is important to me because so many women and girls still hear ‘no’ every day. I hope that my project will provide them with a little much-needed encouragement to keep going. There is no better feeling than surrounding your work with purpose.”

Garrette Baird

Photo by Garrette Baird. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 24mm f/1.4 G Master. 1/200-sec., f/1.4, ISO 5000
Photo by Garrette Baird. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 24mm f/1.4 G Master. 1/200-sec., f/1.4, ISO 5000

“One last photo. Not my best, most creative, or artistically thought out, but indeed the most meaningful image I captured in 2023. My best buddy Mr. Louis (aka King Louis) was taking his typical afternoon nap after getting a belly filling lunch of chicken and eggs. Busy with a bit of photography I walked through the house camera in hand packing up for a shoot and happened to see his highness sprawled out on our bed dreaming of his next delicious conquest. Thinking it was just too cute to pass up, I snapped a quick photo and kept on about my day without realizing how important that image would later be.”

“A few weeks later while teaching at a photo conference my mother called us ‘Louis not doing so good Garrette’…my heart sank. At almost 15 years old I knew his time with us was getting shorter with each passing day but he was so spunky and full of life I hadn’t really thought of it as of late. We rushed home and were able to spend just a few short hours with him before saying goodbye. I couldn’t have imagined that the image I snapped just a few weeks ago would be the last one I would ever have the chance of taking of our Mr. Louis. Much like our memories in life a random image can tell the story and let us relive small yet oh so important moments that serve to remind us of precious connections. We miss you Mr. Louis, may you dance in fields of cuisine with all your furry friends.”

Brian Smith

Photo by Brian Smith. Sony Alpha 7R V. Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master II. 1/160-sec., f/5.6, ISO 100
Photo by Brian Smith. Sony Alpha 7R V. Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master II. 1/160-sec., f/5.6, ISO 100

"During a three week trip celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary, I set up a camera to capture our portrait on the rooftop of our hotel in Cappadocia, Turkey. What could be better than celebrating your 30th anniversary with the love of your life in a beautiful place?"

Tony Gale

Photo by Tony Gale. Sony Alpha 7R V. Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master II. 1/200-sec., f/2.8, ISO 320
Photo by Tony Gale. Sony Alpha 7R V. Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master II. 1/200-sec., f/2.8, ISO 320

“We were in Yosemite National Park this summer and it was the first visit for me. The park was very crowded and hot, so the best time to be out was early in the morning. We were on a short trail and my daughter loved exploring everything. This was her walking around looking at everything. It’s the most meaningful image for me in 2023 because my daughter had just started walking the month before, this was her first time walking on trails.”

Sara France

Photo by Sara France. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 50mm f/1.2 G Master. 1/800-sec., f/1.8, ISO 320
Photo by Sara France. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 50mm f/1.2 G Master. 1/800-sec., f/1.8, ISO 320

“I consulted with the bride over several zoom calls about her timeline to make sure that we got the best time to sneak away on the wedding day to grab a few epic photos at sunset.  This was a candid moment as they walked out to the cliff edge. I had my Sony Alpha 1 prepped with the Sony 50mm f/1.2 G Master. I had preset my settings as we drove up in the golf cart to the spot so I was ready for action as soon as we stopped.”

“I specialize in the blending of cultures and love working with clients who are celebrating their cultures and their love for each other. Though these two came from different cultures and backgrounds, seeing them come together to create their own family and the symbolism of that in this photo was magical. This photo was not only years in the making but also summed up my passion for photographing the unity of two people from different backgrounds. I also love that it is on the beach, which speaks to my heart. I love the ocean and love creating the opportunity for couples to experience this incredible, majestic location.”

Jake Chamseddine

Photo by Jake Chamseddine. Sony FX3. Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master.
Photo by Jake Chamseddine. Sony FX3. Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master.

"During the fall time in the Pacific Northwest we get these insane sunsets. The mixture of clouds and dry weather causes the sky to light up in incredible ways. This was a night at Cape Kiwanda State Natural Area. My fiance, my dog and myself spent the night taking in the view while watching the sunset."

“It has been more than two years since I had the chance to walk down onto this beach since an accident I was in during August of 2021. During my recovery my the place I would go to in my head was always the Oregon Coast and this was the first time since my accident I had a chance to walk down onto the beach at Cape Kiwanda. I grew up taking photos of this place so this felt like a full circle moment to me." See the videos from his visit to the beach HERE.

Henry Tieu

Photo by Henry Tieu. Sony Alpha 7 IV. Sony 35mm f/1.4 G Master. 1/4000-sec., f/2, ISO 100
Photo by Henry Tieu. Sony Alpha 7 IV. Sony 35mm f/1.4 G Master. 1/4000-sec., f/2, ISO 100

“This image was from an adventure elopement in Alaska. As we were on top of a mountain without space for me to get far enough to get the whole rainbow in the frame, I had to do a pano where I took nine frames to stitch together.”

“This image is the pinnacle of what adventure elopement is all about: embrace the unexpected. It was expected to rain on this day. So when we hopped onto the helicopter and took off, I kept an eye out for areas that would have less rain for us to land. We were flying towards a different area when I noticed the rainbow. I asked the pilot and the couple if they would want to make a stop as we didn't know if the rainbow would last. They all said yes and we landed. The minute we got off the helicopter, the rainbow disappeared. We went ahead and made the most out of our time here anyways. When we were about to take off again, the sun poked through and the rainbow came back. I knew I had to make sure to get this moment captured. Sometimes, both on wedding day and in life in general, it might feel like a dark gray sky all the time. But without rain, there wouldn't be rainbows. This moment right here is the story I want every couple who's looking to elope to know.”

Fei Tang

Photo by Fei Tang. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 35mm f/1.4 G Master. 1/125-sec., f/4.5, ISO 800
Photo by Fei Tang. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 35mm f/1.4 G Master. 1/125-sec., f/4.5, ISO 800

“I wanted to capture a look of lifelong accomplishment within my grandma so had to rely on a quick natural light setup right in her kitchen. We took a special trip out to visit my grandma in Athens, Ohio this year to hear her life stories and celebrate her many lifelong accomplishments as a woman within the graphic design field in the 60s/70s. At just about 100 years old, she continues to be a strong influence and inspiration for me.”

Quay Hu

Photo by Quay Hu. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 50mm f/1.2 G Master. 1/1600-sec., f/1.2, ISO 100
Photo by Quay Hu. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 50mm f/1.2 G Master. 1/1600-sec., f/1.2, ISO 100

“I was running around taking images when I noticed my youngest daughter soaking in the moment. She loves the city and hopes to live there one day. It's been a few years since we took a family trip, and we all wanted to visit somewhere special in the United States. We chose NYC, and on the last day during our visit, it started to snow. We made a quick reservation at the Edge and were greeted with snow flurries. I was running around taking images when I noticed my youngest daughter soaking in the moment.”

Tobi Shinobi

Photo by Tobi Shinobi. Sony Alpha 9 III. Sony 34mm f/1.4 G Master. 1/26000-sec., f/1.4, ISO 250
Photo by Tobi Shinobi. Sony Alpha 9 III. Sony 34mm f/1.4 G Master. 1/26000-sec., f/1.4, ISO 250

"This picture is one of many meaningful photos but marked the second time I was able to represent Sony, a brand I have a strong affinity for and has been part of my story from the beginning. I often refer to having to step my game up. This year I did and this picture is a small token of recognition for that."

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