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Best Of 2023: Our Most Meaningful Photos Of The Year, Part 2

We're counting down to the end of the year with a selection of the most meaningful images taken by our Sony Artisans and Brand Ambassadors in 2023. See Part 2 of 6 below featuring stunning nature and wildlife imagery from Caroline Jensen, Colby Brown, Paul Nicklen, Andy Katz, Matt Kloskowski, Charlee Wild, Eric Ward, Autumn Schrock, Mike Meyers, Gina Danza, Nate Luebbe, Scott Kranz and Stan Moniz. Missed Part 1? See it HERE and stay tuned to Alpha Universe this week for more.

We're counting down to the end of the year with a selection of the most meaningful images taken the Sony Brand Ambassadors in 2023.

Caroline Jensen

Photo by Caroline Jensen. Sony Alpha 7R V. Sony 50mm f/1.2 G Master. 1/160-sec., f/16, ISO 125

Photo by Caroline Jensen. Sony Alpha 7R V. Sony 50mm f/1.2 G Master. 1/160-sec., f/16, ISO 125

“This was captured in my vast prairie garden by my farmhouse. I shot it with a flash off to the left, hand-held. I often use a small flash with a small modifier to capture images in the tangle of plants.”

“This image is more than meets the eye. The cone flower, otherwise known as echinacea, is so representative of resiliency. It symbolized so many things that matter to me. This particular one was all twisted and growing funny, and yet the bees and butterflies were there, waiting for me to get out of the way. Echinacea, like this one, provides natural medicine, known for helping with colds. In spite of its cosmetic defects, it survives harsh winters, and in death, feeds the birds with its seeds. Even in death it provides shelter for overwintering insects. I love how flawed it is and yet that adds to its unique beauty.”

Colby Brown

Photo by Colby Brown. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 90mm f/2.8 Macro G. 1/200-sec., f/16, ISO 200

Photo by Colby Brown. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 90mm f/2.8 Macro G. 1/200-sec., f/16, ISO 200

“This past May I set off to the country of Indonesia in search of one of the most beautiful snakes I had ever seen, the Sunda white-lipped island pit viper. This rare blue snake can only be found on three remote islands in the middle of Komodo National Park. Yes, the same spot where you can still find dragons roaming the earth (Komodo Dragons that is). The challenge with finding and photographing this particular snake was not only that it was a rare species, but that it also comes in both green and yellow color morphs as well. After hiring an incredible local guide that specializes in snakes and reptiles, I set off on a five day live-aboard adventure on boat that explored many of the islands found in Komodo National Park. With my Sony Alpha 1 in hand along with a series of Godox V860 III flashes, I searched the forests on many of the Islands in this region each night until I finally came across this beautiful creature. Seeing it with my own eyes was truly a moment I will always remember.”

“Over the last few years, I have been fascinated by venomous snakes. They are often feared and misunderstood creatures that are vital to the ecosystems that they call home. This particular snake (Trimeresurus Insularis) has been on my personal bucket list ever since I heard about a rare blue viper found on a series of remote islands in Indonesia. It was truly an incredible experience to not only find this particular snake, but four others of the same species throughout my time in Komodo National Park in Indonesia.”

Paul Nicklen

Photo by Paul Nicklen. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 600mm f/4 G Master + 1.4xTC. 1/1000-sec., f/9, ISO 400

Photo by Paul Nicklen. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 600mm f/4 G Master + 1.4xTC. 1/1000-sec., f/9, ISO 400

"Over the last few decades, I have seen well over 3,000 polar bears in the wild and have walked in their footsteps for most of my life. For years, I worked as a biologist studying their populations across Canada’s Manitoba and Nunavut territories, watching their lives unfold through each snowy winter on the sea ice and each mild Arctic summer. But the one thing I had never managed to see was a mother bear emerging from her den with her cubs in tow."

"During a brief respite last winter, I finally seized my chance to head back to Manitoba and witness for myself the moment a mama bear steps out of her snowy den. After staking out a couple of den sites and patiently freezing in the snow for hours on end, the tiniest flicker of movement caught my eye. Mama emerged first, her great head swiveling to follow her nose as she tested the air. Once she deemed it was safe to leave the security of her little hollow, she climbed into the open, looking exhausted but healthy. Within seconds, she was joined by a pair of toddling cubs no more than a few months old."

"Polar bears are far more complex than the supposedly ruthless predators people make them out to be. In truth they are survivors, devoted mothers, and fellow wild beings as curious about the world as we are. I spent my childhood in the heart of their Arctic ecosystems and over the decades I have found that coexistence with their species is a matter of understanding their behavior and giving them the compassion all wildlife deserves."

Andy Katz

Photo by Andy Katz. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 24-105mm f/4 G. 1/160-sec., f/13, ISO 200

Photo by Andy Katz. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 24-105mm f/4 G. 1/160-sec., f/13, ISO 200

Matt Kloskowski

“I was hiking and turned around which I learned at an early age to look at all angles. If I didn't turn I would have missed it. It's my most meaningful image and the cover of my book, "A Walk In The Park."

Photo by Matt Kloskowski. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G. 1/250-sec., f/6.3, ISO 320

Photo by Matt Kloskowski. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G. 1/250-sec., f/6.3, ISO 320

"This photo was taken on a trip to Alaska specifically to photograph bears. On my first evening there, we found a mom and two cubs just resting in the field. It was quiet, the scenery was beautiful and it was a great experience to watch and enjoy."

"For me, this photo was one of my favorites because it was the first time I'd ever really seen bears close up. We have this impression that they're large ferocious animals (which they can be), but it was also nice to see a calm moment."

Charlee Wild

Photo by Charly Savely. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 400mm f/2.8 G Master. 1/3200-sec., f/2.8, ISO 2500

Photo by Charlee Wild. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 400mm f/2.8 G Master. 1/3200-sec., f/2.8, ISO 2500

“I had an amazing on-foot encounter with one of my favorite animals: the African Painted dog. This guy was so curious about me. It was beautiful to sit with him and the pack for a while. I managed to capture his yawn after waking up from a nap – a really exciting encounter for me. This photo is meaningful to me, because it's one of my favorite species and the memories associated with it. During my African wildlife photography and conservation workshops, it brings me so much joy for the special times we can get on-foot for photographs. This pack was comfortable with us and very curious. I just love watching them move and the goofy playful behaviors they do.”

Eric Ward

Photo by Eric Ward. Sony Alpha 7R III. Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 G Master II. 1/60-sec., f/9, ISO 500

Photo by Eric Ward. Sony Alpha 7R III. Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 G Master II. 1/60-sec., f/9, ISO 500

“After waking up in Northwest Ohio to one of the first snowfalls of the new year, my son Cole (14) and I grabbed our gear and headed to Oak Openings Preserve outside Toledo, Ohio. For this shot, I was sitting at the base of the tree with my lens as close to the tree as possible to get the snow-covered bark to lead your eye up into the canopy.”

“This grove of pines has been a favorite place to walk and reflect for over a decade and experiencing it in the silent stillness of a fresh snowfall is my absolute favorite. I have years of images of my kids walking through these pines since they were tiny, but making new memories with them as they grow older and seeing them look for and appreciate these moments for themselves has been incredibly special. I've always encouraged them to be still, lift their eyes and see the beauty surrounding them everyday.”

Autumn Schrock

Photo by Autumn Schrock. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 300mm f/2.8 G Master. 1/6400-sec., f/2.8, ISO 100

Photo by Autumn Schrock. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 300mm f/2.8 G Master. 1/6400-sec., f/2.8, ISO 100

"I was lucky enough to visit Antarctica this November. This photo is from our first landing and my first time seeing penguins in the wild. I had the new Sony 300mm f/2.8 G Master lens with me to try out, and I was blown away by how small and compact it is with silky smooth bokeh. I couldn’t have asked for a better backdrop with these two nuggets to showcase the icy wonderland that is the Antarctic."

"It was so tough to choose just one photo! Going to Antarctica has been a long dream of mine, and I wasn't sure that it would ever come true. I still can't believe that I was able to go, and I was very pleasantly surprised to learn that this massive and remote continent is absolutely teeming with wildlife. As an animal lover, to be able to witness several different species thriving who are only found in this area was incredibly special. I also had no idea that Antarctica has the most stunning landscapes around every bend; jagged, towering peaks that rise straight out of the ocean, seemingly endless golden light in the spring/summer, and glaciers so colossal that my jaw never stopped dropping. It certainly was the experience of a lifetime."

Mike Meyers

Photo by Mike Meyers. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 G Master + 1.4X TC. 1/3200-sec., f/8, ISO 500

Photo by Mike Meyers. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 G Master + 1.4X TC. 1/3200-sec., f/8, ISO 500

“I've been going up to my girlfriend's family's cottage in Canada for years now, and I've always wanted to get a detailed, close-up shot of an eagle. Every year I go, I bring all my gear, and every year, I strike out. They either appear when I don't have my camera out, and are gone by the time I run to get it, or they're just too far away to make a compelling shot, even with a really long lens. Finally, with the help of one of the local indigenous fishermen (Billy), I was able to find an adult eagle and get close enough for the shot I'd always wanted. It took about five years, but the wait just made me enjoy the final image even more.”

“The easy ones are never as rewarding – at least to me. It's the photos you have to sit out in the cold for hours on end, waiting for the perfect conditions. Or this one – an image I'd been waiting five years to capture, finally coming to fruition. I'd spent countless hours sitting and waiting in places I'd seen them, for five years, and had nothing to show for it. So when I finally got the chance to get the shot I'd wanted, it really meant a lot to me because I'd waited and worked so long for it. He also happened to be sitting perfectly on a branch with beautiful side light and a clear sky behind him that was free from distractions, so it made for an even more compelling shot.”

Gina Danza

Photo by Gina Danza. Sony Alpha 7R IV. Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 G Master. 1/2000-sec., f/5, ISO 160

Photo by Gina Danza. Sony Alpha 7R IV. Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 G Master. 1/2000-sec., f/5, ISO 160

"The spring blooms engulfed me in the desert but there was one plant species that I utterly fell in love with: Palo Verde. The yellow hues and their dancing branches mesmerized me. One unplanned spring morning, I grabbed my camera and went out to create art with these beautiful trees."

"I wanted to feel like I was wrapped up in their blooms and this image came about. If there was an image that reminded me of a cozy blanket, it’s this one. And, something I needed this year in general as it wasn’t the best. Those florals were a safety blanket and has been the print I had on my dresser all year long. I woke up to it each morning and was reminded of the safety and comfort I can run to in my own art. And, as it was the top selling print of this year - my community felt comfort too. Sharing that is truly special."

Nate Luebbe

Photo by Nate Luebbe. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 G Master. 1/1600-sec., f/5.6, ISO 800

Photo by Nate Luebbe. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 G Master. 1/1600-sec., f/5.6, ISO 800

“I shot this on the Sony Alpha 1 and Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 G Master. I love the Alpha 1 for its unbeatable AF speed and burst speed, which allows me to really choose the frame I want most for shots like this with super fast moving action.”

“This photo is a story coming full circle; my love for nature photography was born in Alaska, on a trip with my parents when I was just 10 years old. It was my first time seeing glaciers, grizzlies and the midnight sun, and I didn't realize it at the time but it cemented my obsession with exploring the most remote and wild regions of this planet. This summer I got the chance to return to Alaska with my parents, 25 years after our original trip. We spent a wonderful few weeks seeing the sights, and the cherry on top was this incredible afternoon spent watching bears catch salmon at Brooks Falls. I will forever cherish this moment with my parents in such a magical place and I am so happy to have a photo like this to remember it by. “

Scott Kranz

Photo by Scott Kranz. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 24-105mm f/4 G. 1/200-sec., f/10, ISO 200

Photo by Scott Kranz. Sony Alpha 1. Sony 24-105mm f/4 G. 1/200-sec., f/10, ISO 200

“I was visiting Yellowstone National Park in February 2023, and I decided to explore the Mammoth Hot Springs area. On my last day, I decided to do one last hike to document the hot spring terraces from the designated boardwalks there. Along the hike I was surprised to find no one around, but spotted a lone elk moving through the hot springs themselves. I captured the scene with my Sony Alpha 1 right as the elk was being reflected in one of the majestic hot spring pools. It was my first time visiting Yellowstone NP in the winter months, and this wildlife encounter was unexpected and magical.”

Stan Moniz

Photo by Stan Moniz. Sony FX3. Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 G Master II. 1/250-sec., f/7.1, ISO 400

Photo by Stan Moniz. Sony FX3. Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 G Master II. 1/250-sec., f/7.1, ISO 400

“Because I set out to primarily capture these beautiful creatures on video, I took the Sony FX3 with me to Tonga. After a few amazing encounters throughout the week, I decided why not flip the camera into photo mode? The last swim on this day found us meeting with a mother and calf humpback whale. The mother was just resting at the top allowing her baby to just have at it!”

"This calf for a good hour was so curious and playful with us in the water. Mimicking our movements and even trying to reach out. What got me about this photo was the eye contact from this calf. It felt so pure and innocent and brought a smile to my face, that I will never forget. After an extended shutdown due to COVID-19. Vava'u Tonga opens once again. Whale swims were back on and I was amongst the first people this summer to explore this life-changing experience that will bring a grown man to tears. Watching with your own two eyes just merely a few feet away you get to witness a baby humpback-loving life – dancing, playing and just learning how to be a whale. There is simply nothing like this in the world.”


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