Chris Gampat of The Phoblographer recently put together a brief tutorial about creating film looks in camera with Sony α7-series mirrorless cameras. For photographers who long for a specific black and white film look straight out of the camera Gampat discusses how he’s doing it using the Creative Style controls found under the Camera menu.
Under Black and White you can control both Contrast and Sharpness to dial in the film look that you like.
Check out his complete post with example images here.
Gampat is a true black and white aficionado and he’s starting a new magazine for iOS and Android called La Noir. The magazine is the next evolution of the La Noir Image website that launched in 2015. The magazine is being funded by a Kickstarter campaign. As Gampat writes, “If you really digg black and white photography, be sure to support our Kickstarter.”