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Enter The Red Bull Illume Special Image Quest 2020

The adventure and action sports imagery contest Red Bull Illume is back this year with a new contest, the Red Bull Illume Special Image Quest 2020. From now through July 5, you can submit your best still and moving images to three categories, as well as a fourth and new category which calls for the most creative adventure and action sports Instagram stories. 

Submit your best still and moving imagery to the Red Bull Illume Special Image Quest 2020.

Photographers and videographers can submit their best still and moving content (up to 1 minute) into any of the three categories:

  1. Throwback: Content that compares adventure and action sports from then and now, together in one image.

  2. Homework: Show your most creative adventure and action sports content made anywhere in or around your home.

  3. Unseen: Content that reveals an exceptional angle, a visual idea, a different format, light and flash effects... something never seen before! It's the purely creative content.   

How To Enter

To enter the Throwback, Homework, and Unseen categories follow these easy steps:             

  1. Share your best still and moving images (up to 1 minute) on your public Instagram feed.
  2. Tag @redbullillume, use the hashtag #rbi20submission and the category, e.g. #rbi20throwback
  3.  Tag a friend to invite him to take part as well.

For the first time ever, there is a category specifically for Instagram stories. It’s the category with the most freedom, giving creators the chance to tell a story the way they choose. Each submission can consist of up to 6 stories. These will need to be added to the Highlight tab to ensure Red Bull Illume can see them.

Storytale: Use up to 6 individual Instagram stories and show your jaw-dropping adventure and action sports content from behind or in front of the camera. Get inventive because nothing is off limits.

To submit an Instagram story into the Storytale category follow these steps:         

  1. Share your Instagram story and tag @redbullillume and #rbi20submission. Make sure your profile is public and that the tags are visible but not prominent, after all it’s about your story.

  2. Each entry can have up to 6 Instagram stories.

  3. Add the entry to ‘Highlights’ with the title ‘RBI 2020’

  4. To submit another entry, just upload your Instagram Stories and add them to a new Story Highlight in your profile and add a number to the Highlight title e.g. ‘RBI 2020 #2’

Learn more about the competition and what you can win at redbullillume.com.


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