In Episode 4 of Through The Lens In Cuba, the members of the Sony Alpha Imaging Collective and the crew of Through The Lens meet local artists members who are part of Cuba's creative community including a local designer, a tattoo artist (who does a freehanded tattoo on Collective member, Oveck Reyes), as well as a taxi driver who shares the story of how he discovered his passion for photography and love for the city of Havana.
Collective member, Dave Krugman, also finds himself posing for a portrait with a tiny Cuban baby (offered as a model by a family member standing nearby) while the group explores a garage that restores classic cars.
See more from the Alpha Imaging Collective Members who went to Cuba in this special season of Through The Lens:
Steven Irby (@stevesweatpants)
New episodes of TTL Cuba come out every Friday.
You can find the show on the AdoramaTV channel on YouTube and on the Through The Lens website.