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Alpha Imaging Collective Ventures Into The Alaska Wilderness

Summer may be just be winding down but a contingent of the Sony Alpha Imaging Collective is already getting ready to head north to a cooler climate. In September, 10 Collective members will arrive in Alaska to explore the photographer's paradise that is America's most northwestern state. The largest state by area in the USA, but only 48th in population, Alaska promises a wealth of diversity in its landscape and wildlife with little disruption from human civilization. A pristine stage is set for Collective members to capture magnificent images and footage of North American nature in all its glory. 

Being 663,268 square miles, the Collective will only scratch the surface of Alaska's massive territory, but they'll get an "A" for effort as they explore a broad range of environments on the ground (and sky!). The group will be hiking through the arctic tundra, climbing into the Talkeetna Mountains, known for breathtaking vistas and wildflower covered hillsides, trekking on the Knick Glacier and observing and photographing wildlife in Lake Clark National Park & Preserve. To capture Alaska on this whirlwind adventure, the photographers will be using some of the latest Sony gear from the α9, α7R II and RX100 V cameras to the new 16-35mm f/2.8 G Master, 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 G Master and 12-24mm f/4 G lenses.  

Follow their adventure on Instagram at #aicdoesalaska as they post images and stories from their remarkable journey. You can also follow each of the Alpha Imaging Collective members on their Instagram accounts listed below. And, check back on AlphaUniverse.com for a variety of exclusive articles, photography and videos from the trip. 

Kristen Jacobson @hopscotchtheglobe

Kyle Kuiper @kdkuiper

Stan Moniz @stanmoniz

Noah Greer @vaderbreath

Nate Luebbe @nateinthewild

Mahesh Thapa @starvingphotographer

Erin Sullivan @erinoutdoors

Mic-Anthony Hay @micanthonyhay

Quay Hu @aroundq

Kevin Ornelas @kevin.ornelas 


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// found synonym for 7-a88f9adfdf-bvnm7s = 16-35mm GM