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Follow Friday For A Holiday Weekend: Summer Adventure Awaits!

As photographers we are driven to share our experiences and the places where we've traveled, whether it be the previously unseen landscapes, people from a unique walk of life or even the lunchtime dish that might be commonplace to one person yet incredibly exotic to another – these are things that connect us or allow us to discover common ground. Over the past year, many of us haven't had a chance to travel as we would like, but now it's all becoming possible to get out and start exploring again. Summer upon us and this week we're diving into the Instagram feeds of photographers who will inspire you to pack up and embark on an epic summer trip. Connect with a new culture, take a road trip to parts unknown, or hit the trail with camera and lens along side. If you want the chance for your account to be featured on AlphaUniverse.com, make sure you tag your Sony photography posts with #BeAlpha. And don’t forget to follow @sonyalpha for your daily dose of Sony photo inspiration.

Tag your Sony shots with #BeAlpha for the chance to be featured on AlphaUniverse.com, and follow @sonyalpha for your daily dose of creative inspiration.

Lawson Builder - @lawsonbuilder

Lawson Builder is based in Charleston, SC, where he draws most of his inspiration from. Throughout his feed, you will see life from the marshlands of South Carolina and fishing excursions in Belize, along with mouthwatering food shots from local restaurants. If you have never been to this part of the US, Builder paints a picture of a life spent on the water and delicious food worth traveling for. The image below was made with The Sony Alpha 7 III and Sony 55mm f/1.8.

Ira Block - @irablockphoto

Ira Block is a Sony Artisan of Imagery and a National Geographic Photographer, and you will be scrolling through his feed for a while as you take a fantastic journey around the world. There will be portraits from the streets of Cuba, the floating market in Bangkok and his journey through the deserts of Morrocco and Mongolia. A feed that is vivid and engaging and shows the face of humanity. 

Casara Moon - @casaramoon

Casara Moon is a travel and adventure photographer based in Seattle and spends her free time traveling to the mountains and deserts to experience life in the wild as much as possible. Throughout her feed, you will find beautiful bright landscapes and portraits that place you right there with her. You can almost smell the wildflowers and feel the dust of the desert on your skin when browsing her feed. Casara used the Sony Alpha 7 II and the 70-200mm f/4 G lens for the image below.

Elliot Simpon - @elliotjsimpson

Elliot Simpson is an outdoor UK-based photographer that will inspire you to pack your bags and go out exploring any time of year. His cool blue tones and lush green landscapes are clean and minimalistic and quiet, giving you space to envision the adventure yourself. And when viewing his wide-open landscapes, often with a figure in there, they urge us to reflect on our personal journey in this world.

Ivan Bornes - @ivanbornes

Ivan Bornes, a Barcelona-based photographer, has a unique perspective of showing you the city and the sweeping beauty of the Spanish mountains. Much like this stunning photo of Montserrat which, was made with the APS-C format Sony Alpha 6500, with the Sony 10-18mm f/4.

Ryan Field - @ryan_field_

Ryan Field is an outdoor and travel photographer based in Oregon. His feed is full of romance and wonder. It inspires you to pick up your camera and find vouge out into the wilderness or find a beautiful dwelling in a far off land to enjoy a good view. Much like the image here, which was made with the Sony Alpha 7R III and the Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master.

Mattea McKinnon - @matteamckinnon

Mattea Mckinnon is based in the UK, but as a travel documentary and lifestyle photographer, she often finds hers on the other side of the world, exploring what villages in Thailand or jungles in Sri Lanka. McKinnon has a direct yet tender approach to what she is documenting. Her images invite you in to take a minute and listen to the story that she is sharing. 

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