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Get An Overview Of The New Features In The Just Announced Visual Story 2.0 App

Earlier this week Sony announced some exciting new updates to the Visual Story application. In addition to a number of improvements to usability based on user feedback, with version 2.0 users now have video support in their Story Gallery and the ability to select and import photos via an SD card reader and a USB mass storage connection. In this video, Sony Artisan Miguel Quiles gives us an inside look at everything that’s new with Visual Story 2.0.

Sony Artisan Miguel Quiles explores the new updates (including video support) in version 2.00 of the Visual Story app and how it can make life better for photographers and videographers.

Visual Story Version 2.0 is available to download for free HERE.

Learn more about Visual Story HERE.


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Sony Electronics’ “Visual Story™” Version 2.0 App Adds Compatibility with Video Content

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