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Inaugural WideOpen Photo Exhibition Now Accepting Entries

Sony is collaborating with Ohio University’s School of Visual Communication and College of Fine Arts, and the Dairy Barn Arts Center for the inaugural WideOpen Photo Exhibition. The international juried exhibition is open to amateur and professional photographers and celebrates all forms of photography.

Submissions will be accepted at wideopendairybarn.artcall.org until June 27, 2018 at midnight. You must be 18 or older to enter and any image, in jpeg format will be accepted. The submission fee is $45 for 1-3 pieces and discounts for students and members of The Dairy Barn Arts Center are available.

Jurors for the competition include Sony Artisans Brian Smith and Brooke Shaden, along with award-winning photography editor, consultant and photographer Molly Roberts. Over $10,000 in cash and prizes will be given plus awards for Best of Show, Sony Camera & Lens, Landscape Award, The Human Condition Award, Under 30 Award, Over 65 Award, Ohio University School of Visual Communication Award (for OU alumni), three Juror Awards and a Travel Award to Hog Island Audubon Camp.

Winning artists will be notified by July 20 and the Exhibition will run at the Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens, Ohio September 29 - November 18. The Exhibition will then go on to tour at Sony Gallery in New York City and additional international tour stops to be announced. Learn more about the Exhibition at dairybarn.org.


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Sony Announces New RX100 VI Camera With 24-200mm Zoom And World's Fastest AF Speed

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