Meet the Artisan

Katrin Eismann
Katrin Eismann is an internationally respected artist, educator, and author specializing in creative digital photography and the impact of emerging technologies upon professional photographers, artists, and educators. She received her BFA degree in Photographic Illustration from the Rochester Institute of Technology and her MFA degree in Design at the School of Visual Arts. Katrin is the co-author of Photoshop Restoration & Retouching, Photoshop Masking & Compositing, The Creative Digital Darkroom, and Real World Digital Photography – all of which have been translated into numerous languages for worldwide distribution. In 2005, Katrin was inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame and her images have been featured in numerous books, magazines, group and solo exhibitions. Katrin has presented on or taught digital imaging in six continents…and is working on getting to Antarctica! Currently, she is committed to innovating worldwide photographic education in her position as Product Manager of Engagement at Adobe Systems. Katrin enjoys the three f’s – food, photography and golf…not necessarily in that order and often simultaneously!
I see the world more clearly when looking through a viewfinder.