Meet the Artisan

Gene Lower
Gene Lower is a Phoenix, Arizona based international award winning photographer who focuses on fast action photography. From the Pro's to the future athletes, there is barely a sport Lower has not covered. Serving as the Arizona Cardinals team photographer for over 15 years, he considers himself more of a historian than a photographer. Lower has photographed in every stadium around the league and has covered 3 Super Bowls, including the most recent Super Bowl XLIX. Lower's images have appeared in almost every major publication including two covers of Sports Illustrated. He is most known for his iconic image of Pat Tillman- now immortalized as a statue outside of University of Phoenix Stadium. When Lower is not on the sidelines, you will either find him in the concert pit (covered acts including U2, Katy Perry, Imagine Dragons and Bruno Mars) or hiking the vast trails of Arizona, capturing the beauty of the southwest.
“I shoot to make an impact, to leave my mark - like a Slingshot”