National Parks have a way of changing the way we view the world. Getting to see such majestic beauty that is a natural part of our earth helps to put the rest of our lives into perspective. For Alpha Collective member Scott Kranz (@scott_kranz), North Cascades National Park is something extra special. He credits the Park with changing his life, and in 2018, he’s exploring its mountains like never before – and giving back to them.
“In 2015, I left my original career as an attorney and decided to devote myself to my newfound passion – outdoor photography. My treks and climbs in the North Cascades, which I’d discovered just a few years earlier, helped inspire me to take the leap into this new professional venture,” says Kranz.
Kranz’s outdoor photography has taken him all over the world. After completing his goal in 2017 of reaching all seven continents in the span of a single year, Kranz knew it would be a tough experience to top. He was determined to come up with something special in 2018, and he decided that the park that changed his life was the place to do it. Named “My 50 Peaks Project,” Kranz will summit 50 peaks in 2018 within North Cascades National Park, including the 10 highest.
“One of three national parks in my home state of Washington, North Cascades National Park was established in 1968,” says Kranz. “Many months ago when I realized that 2018 was its 50th anniversary, I decided I wanted to find some way to mark the occasion.”
His plan to summit 50 peaks isn’t just for himself, though – he plans on using social media to promote wilderness protection and support for National Parks.
“I believe passionately in the protection of public lands,” says Kranz. “I will be calling on people to take action and donate directly to benefit the park and the infrastructure projects that are critical to its future.”
You can follow Scott along on his 50 Peaks Project at and #NC50Peaks.