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This Follow Friday...Get Ready To Vote!

Election Day in America is on November 3, and on this Instagram Follow Friday we’re featuring a group of photographers who are using the power of photographs to inspire their followers to make their voices heard and exercise their right and vote. Take a look at their work, give them a follow....and then go vote if you haven’t already!

Tag your Sony shots with #BeAlpha for the chance to be featured on AlphaUniverse.com, and follow @sonyalpha for your daily dose of creative inspiration.

Jeremy Cohen – @jermcohen

Jeremy is a member of the Alpha Imaging Collective based in New York City. His account has a fun and colorful variety of street shots, portraits and more. He posted this photo (with perhaps a little editing work) and the caption, “Anyone else feel like the birds are trying to tell us something?” as a creative way to remind his viewers to vote. 

Charlee Wild – @CharleeWild

Charlee Wild is a member of the Sony Alpha Imaging Collective who specializes in adventure/travel, wildlife and commercial photography. She’s using her nature and wildlife photography to remind her followers to vote for those who will work to protect and conserve our animals and environment. Read more on how she photographs wildlife in Five Quick Tips For Getting Into Wildlife Photography and see the gear she uses to do it in her What's In My Bag article. She recently posted this bear photo with the caption, “VOTE: A friendly reminder to please vote for leaders who actually care about the future of the planet rather than exploiting it for profit.” 

Benjamin Lowy – @benlowy

Ben Lowy is a Sony Artisan and award-winning photojournalist. After a decade of covering conflict, he expanded his work to include sports, politics, underwater and more. During the pandemic he’s posted plenty of mask portraits, and the mask in the photo below comes with a special message and Lowy’s reminder to vote because we are in this together.

And check out this short film from a pair of creatives in the Alpha Imaging Collective (see more about the making of Your Voice Matters HERE.


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Your Voice Matters

Charlee Wild's Sony Alpha Kit For Wildlife Photography

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Level Up Your Audio: A Guide To Sony Accessory Mics For Creators


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